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Models In Motion: Babylon 5 The Lost Tales

Check out the ships I built for Babylon 5: The Lost Tales, a few years back. All together they were, the new Starfury Fighters, the classic opening Skylark, EA Transport, Centauri Fighters, Centauri transport, and the large Centauri battlecruisers (Vorchan). I modeled the 3D geometry within Lightwave, and the textures were painted using Photoshop. The animation was done by Atmosphere VFX.

For a look at some Still 3D renders go to the Gallery


Models In Motion: Iron Man Mark III Suit

Here's a look at the Iron Man Mark III suit I modeled and textured as a test early on for the first Iron Man Movie. It was all modeled and textured in Modo. The animation was done in Lightwave by the Zoic animators. I had 2 weeks total to get this all done and in the animators hands for the test shots. Once again, Modo in my toolbox saved the day.

For a Look at some still test render images, head on over to the Gallery


3D Desktop Manager BumpTop, Aquired by Google

BumpTop uses new multi-touch gestures that go beyond the typical pan-and-zoom to manage your Desktop in 3D. 


Models In Motion: Stargate Atlantis

This is a montage of stills and video of the City of Atlantis I built for the "Stargate Atlantis" series. I built the model for use from season 2 until the end of the show for the in-house FX crew. The geometry was created with Luxology's Modo. The texturing and lighting were done in Newtek's Lightwave.

The model was then distributed to other studios for use in their visual effects shots. Aside from standing in as the primary Atlantian base, this model was also used to populate the Replicator city of Azuras. I created a few extra key buildings for up close camera shots of that planet as well.

For a look at some stills, head on over to my gallery:
Stargate - Portfolio


Models in Motion: Terminator T-888

A look at the T-888 model I built for "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" TV show. I used Modo to build the geometry and initial texturing. The model was then delivered to the VFX house in Lightwave format and exported to Maya for animation as well.

Final textures were also tweaked in house for their needs. I started the model using the original T-800 as reference. However, the model went thru several changes based on the concept artwork from VFX Supervisor James Lima. Animation done by other artists.

For a better look at the model, check it out in my gallery:
Portfolio - Terminator