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Models In Motion: Iron Man Mark III Suit

Here's a look at the Iron Man Mark III suit I modeled and textured as a test early on for the first Iron Man Movie. It was all modeled and textured in Modo. The animation was done in Lightwave by the Zoic animators. I had 2 weeks total to get this all done and in the animators hands for the test shots. Once again, Modo in my toolbox saved the day.

For a Look at some still test render images, head on over to the Gallery


Models in Motion: Terminator T-888

A look at the T-888 model I built for "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" TV show. I used Modo to build the geometry and initial texturing. The model was then delivered to the VFX house in Lightwave format and exported to Maya for animation as well.

Final textures were also tweaked in house for their needs. I started the model using the original T-800 as reference. However, the model went thru several changes based on the concept artwork from VFX Supervisor James Lima. Animation done by other artists.

For a better look at the model, check it out in my gallery:
Portfolio - Terminator


Heavy Gear Robots

I modeled and textured these prototype Heavy Gear Mech Robots for an Episodic CG TV series in the year 2000. Had some production sketches as reference and a color palette to go from. It was a cartoon, so it couldn't be too photoreal, they were looking for a certain stylized feel. Check them out.

Portfolio - Heavy Gear


CG Mech Warrior Robots

Somewhere between the year 2000 and 2001, I was asked to prototype some CG models of Mech Warrior Vehicles for a possible TV show. Sadly the show never got the green light, but I had some fun building these. All the modeling and texturing was done in Lightwave in conjunction with Photoshop. Check it out.

Portfolio - Mech Warrior


CG work from "The Dresden Files"

Last year I did some visual effects work on a show called "The Dresden Files". Mostly character modeling of a fiery demon, and building a huge city set of Chicago for a push in shot right up to a hotel window.

Take a look at the demon model and the cityscape in my gallery. Most of the work was done using Luxology's Modo. The final demon was exported to Maya and texture tweaked at Sundog Studios. The city scape had several other composition layers not seen here, where I added fog, rain, z-depth information, and a helicopter for the background.

Portfolio - Dresden Files