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Entries in Terminator (3)


Models in Motion: Terminator T-888

A look at the T-888 model I built for "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" TV show. I used Modo to build the geometry and initial texturing. The model was then delivered to the VFX house in Lightwave format and exported to Maya for animation as well.

Final textures were also tweaked in house for their needs. I started the model using the original T-800 as reference. However, the model went thru several changes based on the concept artwork from VFX Supervisor James Lima. Animation done by other artists.

For a better look at the model, check it out in my gallery:
Portfolio - Terminator


4 Minute Terminator Salvation Trailer 

Warner Bros. Pictures releases the fourth and final movie trailer for Terminator : Salvation. Holy smokes, this looks great! A full 4 minutes of footage, that's pretty long for a trailer.

4 Minute Trailer at Apple in HD


Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles - Portfolio Update

I've uploaded gallery images of the T-888 model I made for "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles". The show is now wrapping up it's second season on Fox. I Modeled and Textured the cyborg for Zoic Studios. The final texturing was tweaked a bit in house for lighting, camera & reflections.

See them here