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Entries in macapps (23)


Twitter: desktop clients

There are MANY twitter desktop clients out there. Some have more features than others, some have better user interfaces. Since I spend time using the 3 mainstream operating systems out there, thought I'd list what I find to be best ones I have worked with. Hopefully this will help you narrow down what's best for you.

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Wireless Network Scanning/Stumbling on the Mac

Scanning for wireless networks also referred to as "stumbling", is basically the detection of Wireless LANs using the 802.11b, 802.11a and 802.11g WLAN standards. This is useful for verifying network configurations, locating poor coverage in a WLAN, finding causes of wireless interference, detecting unauthorized access points etc...

In Mac OSX I find these two tools the most useful:

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BEAK: a New Mac Desktop Twitter Client

Beak is a new Twitter client currently in development that uses a single column for updates similar to twhirl. Tabs across the top contain sections for: Tweets, Mentions, Messages, Faves, Search and Stats. Emphasis is on retweeting, replies, favorites, URL shortening and posting. This is PRE_RELEASE software, but it is pretty solid.

Beak Download Website



Best Unarchivers for Mac OSX

The standard built into OSX's finder is ok for simple compression and decompression Zip operations. If you're looking for replacements that can handle more formats, such as Tar-GZip, Tar-BZip2, Rar, 7-zip, LhA, and others then try some of my favorite free ones:

If you consume much content from the usenet newsgroups, then you will definitely want a set of programs that can recover missing information by processing often used "par" and "par2" files, and recombine sets of files. The best combinations I've found for this are:

 Suttfit Deluxe is a good classic Mac compression utility as well, however it does sell for $80.00.


Easy VM's with VirtualBox

If you need virtualization on the desktop in a production/development environment with full access to hardware such as USB ports, then you need to look at something like VMWare or Parallels.

That said, if you're an average home user, or a professional who needs occassional access to a Windows or Linux application, then you may want to check out VirtualBox. It's freely available as Open Source x86 virtualization software for Windows, OSX, Linux, Solaris, Open BSD.
