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Entries in macapps (23)


Favorite FTP programs for MAC

There are many FTP programs for OSX. However, these are the 2 prefer the best in their class.

If you're going the free route (donations accepted), there is no question that Cyberduck is the way to go. It features a well designed, easy to use interface with quickly accessible bookmarks. It's open source, supports FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Mosso Cloud Files and Amazon S3.

Commercially, Transmit from Panic is king. It supports FTP, SFTP, or TLS/SSL, Amazon S3, iDisk/Webdav, Synchronization, server to server, Dashboard widgets, Droplets, the list goes on and on. Visit the panic site for a complete feature list. Transmit costs $29.95 for a single user license, and there is a demo version available for download.


Expandrive SFTP client

ExpanDrive is an SFTP client by Magnetk which provides seamless integration Mac OSX's Finder. It mounts the server you're connecting to within Finder or explorer in Windows.  This enables you to work with your remote machine just like you would in your local environment.

You can add files, drag & drop, edit, delete. It uses port 22 (SSH port) instead of the port 21 (FTP port) for secure connections to the server. Expandrive also provides a version named the same for Windows Here. Visit their site for a demonstration video and more info. Expandrive sells for $39.95



Using DOSBox for your old DOS Games

DOSBox is a free, open-source DOS emulator for Windows, Mac, Linux, and other platforms.

It emulates CPU:286/386 realmode/protected mode, Directory FileSystem / XMS / EMS, Tandy / Hercules / CGA / EGA / VGA / VESA graphics, a SoundBlaster / Gravis Ultra Sound card for excellent sound compatibility with older games. So if you want to go Old-School, and play over 3,000 supported classic Dos games, grab yourself a free copy of DosBox and live the nostalgia.


NameChanger for Mac

Straight forward here, NameChanger is designed for the sole purpose of renaming a list of files. There are many was of doing this on the Mac including applescript and Automator. However the average user who does not feel comfortable with those solutions may find this application very useful.


Setup FTP server at home on your Mac

There are several ways to setup FTP on your home Mac. I'll cover the 2 most common ways I would consider for doing this myself. Below I will describe both methods (A and B) and how to access them (C):

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