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Entries in webdev (4)


Firebug for Firefox

If you're into Web Development or thinking of jumping into it, here's a tool I use on a daily basis. Firebug, is a must have Firefox extension which has the ability to inspect various elements on a web page. Once activated, hover your mouse over an element and Firebug will give you loads of detail on that item. Check out where it resides in your XHTML, CSS rules belonging to it, edit Javascript, and more. It is a must have tool for Web Developers in general.

Get Firebug


Preview your fonts Online

If you often work with desktop publishing, graphic design, or even regular word processing, then you have no doubt found the need to examine your fonts in a quick minimalist view at some point or time. There are different ways of doing this in each operating system, but here's a quick way to achieve it from any computer using nothing but a web browser. is a web application that will compare your installed fonts live on your browser. Select the type under the font title on top, and type a phrase to preview how it would look using the fonts on your computer. Select the top font title, and change the actual font name for an instant preview on the main phrase. Or just click on a desired font for a different look. This is a great way to view your fonts side by side and make your day more productive.

Enjoy -


Expandrive SFTP client

ExpanDrive is an SFTP client by Magnetk which provides seamless integration Mac OSX's Finder. It mounts the server you're connecting to within Finder or explorer in Windows.  This enables you to work with your remote machine just like you would in your local environment.

You can add files, drag & drop, edit, delete. It uses port 22 (SSH port) instead of the port 21 (FTP port) for secure connections to the server. Expandrive also provides a version named the same for Windows Here. Visit their site for a demonstration video and more info. Expandrive sells for $39.95



Espresso 1.0 for Web Development

There are many good tools in Mac OSX for web development. Some of the ones I use frequently are CSSEdit, Coda, and Firebug for firefox. Espresso now joins the ranks, being more of a competitor to Coda. Everything in Espresso happens in one unified window. It's divided into three sections: Workspace, Project and Publish.

Supports HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript and PHP. Espresso also has built-in publishing with Subversion style commands & themes too. It provides a nice interface and clean environment for web development. Retails for around $80 at MacRabbit’s web site. Head on over to grab a trial from their site and read more about its other features.
