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Entries in twitter (5)


Twitter for Research

We've all seen the pro's and con's of Twitter now. Sometimes it's difficult to even explain Twitter to someone new to it. Like most social media tools, if used correctly, it has a potential for massive harnessing of crowds and resources alike. I've been noticing the quick rise of information on Twitter alongside Google searching.

There is much to be discovered for both work and fun, but more importantly research and development. It's no secret, that the internet is possibly one of your most valuable resources for productivity in all facets of life, especially WORK and the growing amounts of mobile devices.

That being said, just as there are certain methods for better isolating your desired information on Google (see my Search Tips), there are also ways to narrow down desired information on Twitter. Constantly there are growing number of web based tools available for this. Here are two sites I have been using quite a bit lately for aggregating information.

Click to read more ...


Twitter: desktop clients

There are MANY twitter desktop clients out there. Some have more features than others, some have better user interfaces. Since I spend time using the 3 mainstream operating systems out there, thought I'd list what I find to be best ones I have worked with. Hopefully this will help you narrow down what's best for you.

Click to read more ...


Video Preview of Twitterrific 2.0

The designers of Twitterific give us a first view of the new 2.0 version of Twitterfific for the iPhone which wil arrive sometime next week.


BEAK: a New Mac Desktop Twitter Client

Beak is a new Twitter client currently in development that uses a single column for updates similar to twhirl. Tabs across the top contain sections for: Tweets, Mentions, Messages, Faves, Search and Stats. Emphasis is on retweeting, replies, favorites, URL shortening and posting. This is PRE_RELEASE software, but it is pretty solid.

Beak Download Website



Tweetmi Web App

Tweetmi is a real-time topic tracker for Twitter. There are Automatic Stream Updates, Top Tracked Tweeted Stories, Fans of Topics, and more. Basically an aggregator of top stories for any topic as they are being discussed. Twitpic, Youtube and all embedded RSS images are supported. Just type in your subject matter in the search field and see the top discussions currently going on twitter. No need to refresh, the page is Live.