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Entries in winapps (21)


Removing Malware/Spyware

For OSX and Linux users, this isn't such an issue at the moment. However, for those who have to work in a Windows environment, you are forced to deal with Malware/Spyware sooner or later.

There are many solutions out there, some better than others, some free, some commercial. Here's a list of known apps I've used in the field...

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Expandrive SFTP client

ExpanDrive is an SFTP client by Magnetk which provides seamless integration Mac OSX's Finder. It mounts the server you're connecting to within Finder or explorer in Windows.  This enables you to work with your remote machine just like you would in your local environment.

You can add files, drag & drop, edit, delete. It uses port 22 (SSH port) instead of the port 21 (FTP port) for secure connections to the server. Expandrive also provides a version named the same for Windows Here. Visit their site for a demonstration video and more info. Expandrive sells for $39.95



Using DOSBox for your old DOS Games

DOSBox is a free, open-source DOS emulator for Windows, Mac, Linux, and other platforms.

It emulates CPU:286/386 realmode/protected mode, Directory FileSystem / XMS / EMS, Tandy / Hercules / CGA / EGA / VGA / VESA graphics, a SoundBlaster / Gravis Ultra Sound card for excellent sound compatibility with older games. So if you want to go Old-School, and play over 3,000 supported classic Dos games, grab yourself a free copy of DosBox and live the nostalgia.


Get your DVD's into digital file format

How do I get my DVD movies into my AppleTV, iPhone or iPod etc? This is a question I receive frequently. Altho there are many tools to accomplish this, I prefer using Handbrake. HandBrake is an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder that works in Windows, Mac, or Linux.

It converts your DVD's into iPod-friendly MPEG-4 or H.264 video files. The application includes presets for iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, and Xbox360. You can also choose various audio and video settings for a custom output.

If you want to convert other existing files such as AVI's, MKV or MPG's, Handbrake handles those as well now. However for straight file conversion between video formats, I use Video Monkey (Previously VisualHub). It's Mac only, but there's almost no format it can't handle.

Video Monkey


Backup your Mac or PC online with BackBlaze

If you don't have 2-3 copies of your data, your files are not safe. Backing up is a must with all our digital media and other files these days. Making a local copy to an external drive is a good first step. However getting another copy offsite gives you peace of mind.

Backblaze is a good online (cloud) solution for this. Works on both Macs & PCs. Encrypts and uploads all your files to secure datacenters. Restore from the web, get DVD(s) or USB drive sent via FedEx. Best of all, it's unlimited storage for per computer for $5 Per month.