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Entries in winapps (21)


Twitter: desktop clients

There are MANY twitter desktop clients out there. Some have more features than others, some have better user interfaces. Since I spend time using the 3 mainstream operating systems out there, thought I'd list what I find to be best ones I have worked with. Hopefully this will help you narrow down what's best for you.

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Re-Installing your Windows PC for a fresh start

We've all been there. Windows needs a fresh start every 6 months or so due to stuff accumulating in the registry or even more common these days, "Malware". Most of us jump into this task feet first, and realize midway through that we forgot to document important information from our old configurations and backup our files. WHOOPS!

IT departments, have this down to a science. Usually keeping virtualized images on a lan, or bootable Ghost images ready to go. Here are some tools and tips to help you get your fresh start done right.

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OverDisk: Visualize your Hard Disk Space

The OverDisk usage browser generates an interesting radial map of your folder structures. It displays the folders and subfolders with the size on the map reflecting the percentage of disk usage on a selected hard drive. More information can be displayed by hovering the mouse over the elements of the radial map, including folder names, number of files and folders and size occupied on the hard drive. Additionally the toolbar menu provides statistical information. OverDisk is Freeware for Windows only.

OverDisk - Website & Download


Robocopy & Richcopy Utilities

I'm a huge fan of Robocopy, a command-line directory replication command originally available with the Windows Resource Kit, and more recently with Vista and Windows Server 2008. Unlike Copy and XCopy, Robocopy implements reliable copy or mirroring of entire folders of any size.

During the copying process, it ensures that all NTFS ACLS, attributes, owner information, alternate data streams, auditing information, timestamps and properties are copied. Even security information will copy if you explicitly request it using the /COPYALL switch. Additionally if there's a disruption or outage during the process, there's a resume copying feature that works locally and over network connections.

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Easy VM's with VirtualBox

If you need virtualization on the desktop in a production/development environment with full access to hardware such as USB ports, then you need to look at something like VMWare or Parallels.

That said, if you're an average home user, or a professional who needs occassional access to a Windows or Linux application, then you may want to check out VirtualBox. It's freely available as Open Source x86 virtualization software for Windows, OSX, Linux, Solaris, Open BSD.
