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Removing Malware/Spyware

For OSX and Linux users, this isn't such an issue at the moment. However, for those who have to work in a Windows environment, you are forced to deal with Malware/Spyware sooner or later.

There are many solutions out there, some better than others, some free, some commercial. Here's a list of known apps I've used in the field...



If you use windows, combat this problem with both prevention software & education. Educate your users, relatives or friends to have good surfing habbits. No porn sites, flash web games, or other shady websites and you can avoid most problems. Combine that with not opening links or attachements in e-mail, and use firefox or other non-IE browsers, and you will dodge most of the dangers & exploits out there. Bit Torrent (has some legitmate uses) and P2P sites are loaded with Malware and Viruses. Above all, keep your systems upated and patched.

I've used most of these applications in the past with fairly good results most of the times. Truth be told, these are band-aid solutions. The nasty Malware can't be removed and leaves back doors open for re-infection. The best solution for Malware is to not get infected in the first place. Once bitten the best solution is to back up your most important data, and reformat your computer.

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