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Entries in Web Apps (13)


Tilt-shift Fun

"Tilt-shift photography refers to the use of camera movements on small- and medium format cameras; it usually requires the use of special lenses." Now you can simulate the effect and have fun with your own images at the TiltshiftMaker website.

Check these before and after samples I made using my own photos. Then follow the link to make your own:

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Dropbox: Simple file syncing 

Simply put, Dropbox gives you the ability to keep your desktop files synced with “the cloud”, and your other computers. Think of it as online data storage(backup), file sharing, and file synchronization, in a simple no fuss implementation.

A folder created by the Dropbox installation exists on your computer(s) to handle all the heavy lifting.

  • Anything you place into this folder will be uploaded to your account's online drive (accessible from any web browser) and synced between all of your computers via the Dropbox client.
  • You can share a folder with your Dropbox friends, and everything you drop into that folder will be synced between both accounts.
  • Drop a file in your Public folder, and you can share it with anyone.
  • Placing photos in the Photos folder, creates a web gallery for you.
  • Most important, Dropbox provides file versioning. So if you delete a file by accident? Dropbox can restore it for you.

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Downloading Youtube Videos

Ever wanted to download a video from Youtube? It's a great source for all sorts of material. Well, Youtube doesn't exactly give you an easy way to grab the videos.

There are several ways to accomplish this however. Here are my 2 favorite ways to go about it:

  1. Use, Enter the URL of the video you wish to save, and click "download". You'll be offered a low quality FLV or a high quality MP4 file. Right click the "Save Link as" on the Option you would like, and you're done.
  2. This is the old school way of doing it. Open the Youtube video you want in your browser. Go up to the URL, and insert the word "kiss" before youtube. (ie. You'll be taken to a download page to download the .FLV file. Once you download it, you can convert it to which ever format you prefer.

Comet Docs: File Conversions

Comet Docs is a site that allows you to convert most of your document files online. If you have the correct tools/software on your computer you may not find this so useful. However, if you're not on your computer and have access to a web browser, this may save your bacon some day.

The service offers ease of use and the ability to convert a wide number of file types, as well as provide file comparison and information analysis. Some examples of file types include: Word, HTML, PDF, XLS to CSV, XML, etc.

Select the file and format you want to convert, click the send button and your conversion will be emailed to you for download. The service is free, and needs your email only once if you register. Otherwise, you will need to submit your email every time.

Comet Docs


Cooliris for viewing images Online and Offline

One of my favorite ways of viewing images on Flickr, Facebook, Google Images, YouTube, and more is using the Cooliris plugin. It's a fast and stunning way to browse photos and videos from the Web and even your local images on the desktop.

Using a 3D wall, you can browse your content as if flicking in a coverflow type of enviroment. Cooliris is available as a plugin for Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer.
