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Entries in file conversion (2)


Converting Video on the Mac

In the Past converting video was a complicated process for people with a technical know-how of codecs and convoluted jargon that only experts understood. With the evolution of video on the internet, various developers have simplified the process down with some easy to use applications, which the average person can utilize.

The list is long across all the mainstream platforms. However, I live in the Mac world for all my graphics/web and Visual Effects work. The two most common applications I end up using for converting between video formats are FREE.

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Comet Docs: File Conversions

Comet Docs is a site that allows you to convert most of your document files online. If you have the correct tools/software on your computer you may not find this so useful. However, if you're not on your computer and have access to a web browser, this may save your bacon some day.

The service offers ease of use and the ability to convert a wide number of file types, as well as provide file comparison and information analysis. Some examples of file types include: Word, HTML, PDF, XLS to CSV, XML, etc.

Select the file and format you want to convert, click the send button and your conversion will be emailed to you for download. The service is free, and needs your email only once if you register. Otherwise, you will need to submit your email every time.

Comet Docs