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Entries in ubuntu (4)


Ubuntu 9.10 Video demonstration

The 9.10 version of Ubuntu was recently released in both desktop and server flavors. Below is a screencast overview of an install and features in the new Ubuntu OS courtesy of Duncan.


Ubuntu Network Tools

For you Network & Security types out there, thinking of trying out linux for your auditing and troubleshooting needs...Here are some of my favorite Sniffer, Wireless, and Port Scanning tools for use in Ubuntu Linux. Most of them are command line tools, so you need to launch them via Terminal. Need more info? Google is your friend:

Click to read more ...


Linux Command line Tip: Install Media Codecs for Ubuntu

So you're new to Ubuntu Linux. You just got it installed for the first time, but you are wondering how to enable DVD Playback, Flash capability, MP3, Quicktime, and other popular media formats. Never fear, here's a command to get it all up and running.

Open up a terminal window and type:

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras

You will be prompted for your administrative password, at which point it will begin to download all the required codecs, making your Ubuntu multimedia ready.


Ubuntu Tweak App

Ubuntu Tweak is like TweakUI in the Windows world. In short it's an application designed to simplify configuring Ubuntu. Providing many usefull desktop and system options that aren't available with the default installation. Ubuntu Tweak is freeware.
