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Entries in lens cap (1)


Get your White Balance Right

Getting the white balance correct in your photos isn't always simple. This is where I use the "baLens White Balance Lens Cap". A must have accessory for DSLR photographers, never leave home without it. Modern day digital cameras have built in AWB (Auto White Balance), which does a decent job if there is white, grey and black for the camera to calculate. However, slight changes in light will affect the color temperature on those source readings, resulting in post processing of the RAW files to correct the white balance.

So what if you could get the white balance correct in the camera? Obviously this saves you time in post processing, and you will get more accurate results from the moment you snap your pictures. This is where the baLens White Balance Lens Cap comes in. Usually photographers carry a grey card, to set a custom white balance setting in camera. Instead, the baLens Cap now replaces your standard lens cap, and doubles as a white balance tool.

With the baLens cap still on, set your camera to custom white balance in your menu. Aim the lens at your light source, and take a reference shot. If the white balance reading succeeded, remove your cap, and shoot true/vivid/accurate photos. That's it!

To find out more about baLens, visit their website at

Check out some of the samples in their Gallery.