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Entries in Windows (19)


OverDisk: Visualize your Hard Disk Space

The OverDisk usage browser generates an interesting radial map of your folder structures. It displays the folders and subfolders with the size on the map reflecting the percentage of disk usage on a selected hard drive. More information can be displayed by hovering the mouse over the elements of the radial map, including folder names, number of files and folders and size occupied on the hard drive. Additionally the toolbar menu provides statistical information. OverDisk is Freeware for Windows only.

OverDisk - Website & Download


Robocopy & Richcopy Utilities

I'm a huge fan of Robocopy, a command-line directory replication command originally available with the Windows Resource Kit, and more recently with Vista and Windows Server 2008. Unlike Copy and XCopy, Robocopy implements reliable copy or mirroring of entire folders of any size.

During the copying process, it ensures that all NTFS ACLS, attributes, owner information, alternate data streams, auditing information, timestamps and properties are copied. Even security information will copy if you explicitly request it using the /COPYALL switch. Additionally if there's a disruption or outage during the process, there's a resume copying feature that works locally and over network connections.

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Removing Malware/Spyware

For OSX and Linux users, this isn't such an issue at the moment. However, for those who have to work in a Windows environment, you are forced to deal with Malware/Spyware sooner or later.

There are many solutions out there, some better than others, some free, some commercial. Here's a list of known apps I've used in the field...

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Identify mysterious Windows processes

Ever wondered what the multiple svchost.exe or other generic process listed in Windows XP's task manager are used for? Next time you need to stop or restart a stalled process try this: Open the command prompt by typing "cmd" from the "start/run" window. In the command prompt type "tasklist /svc". This will list your processes and the programs that are using them.

In Vista or Windows 7 it's much simpler. Go to the Task manager, right click on the process, and click "go to services". This will detail which programs are being used by the particular service.


Expandrive SFTP client

ExpanDrive is an SFTP client by Magnetk which provides seamless integration Mac OSX's Finder. It mounts the server you're connecting to within Finder or explorer in Windows.  This enables you to work with your remote machine just like you would in your local environment.

You can add files, drag & drop, edit, delete. It uses port 22 (SSH port) instead of the port 21 (FTP port) for secure connections to the server. Expandrive also provides a version named the same for Windows Here. Visit their site for a demonstration video and more info. Expandrive sells for $39.95
