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Entries in tabs (2)


TabExpose Application

If your surfing habits are anything like mine, you live inside tab browsing these days. Additionally, if you're on a Mac using Safari all the time, and dig OSX's Expose feature, then you will love this.

TabExpose melds tab browsing and expose into one sweet feature for Safari. One click or key tap, and it displays all your open tabs on your screen to navigate around them. Works on PPC & Intel Macs, on Leopard, Safari 3.x & 4.

Check it out - TabExpose


Photoshop CS4 Tip - Remove Tabs

So, Photoshop CS4's tabs feature can be both helpful & annoying at the same time, depending on your workflow and needs. Whether they work for you or not, is your preference. Either way, here's how to turn them off in Mac or Windows:

In Mac OSX:

  • Go to ‘Photoshop’ –> ‘Preferences’ –> ‘Interface
  • Uncheck the ‘Open Documents as Tabs’ option

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