The Missing Dropbox iPhone App

Dropbox is one of my most frequently used, hidden tools at home, office and on the road. By hidden I mean, it's seamless and well integrated into my computing lifestyle regardless of platform or hardware. As good as Dropbox is though, in my opinion it's only weakness within my workflow is it's lack of a native iPhone application.
Before I move on, it's important to note, that Dropbox does currently have a mobile web formatted version available to the iPhone and other mobile devices. Indeed, they are also working on a true native iPhone app that will appear in the near future. Could be days or weeks, but it is coming, and promises to address all your iPhone needs and then some.
That said, I set out to mash together some ways to access and manipulate my Dropbox account from my iPhone. I came up with 2 solutions, which may help fill the void for you as well, as we wait for the official iPhone Dropbox app to arrive.