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Entries in encryption (2)


Use Bitlocker Encryption without TPM

While doing research on encryption methods for multi-boot netbooks and laptops, I came across this requirement for Vista and Windows 7. Microsoft needs a Trusted Platform Module (TPM Chip) to activate its encryption technology. This chip however, is not present in most lower end notebooks, or in most netbooks either.

There exists a workaround however. In the local group policy there's a setting that will allow you to turn on the ability to use a USB storage device instead of a TPM key to store your encryption key. The catch is, every time you turn on your computer, your USB storage device with the encryption key needs to be plugged in. Otherwise your computer will not boot. Your USB storage device has now become the key to your computer. Here's how to do it....

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Encrypting Disk Images in OSX

You can use the built in FileVault feature to encrypt your whole user directory in Mac OSX. However, this usually comes with an overall price on performance. Additionally, if you use Time Machine and Filevault together, your home directory gets backed up once you log out of your machine.

There is however, another option. You can make a mountable Encrypted Disk Image (any size) of your own to securely store your confidential files. This will allow you to turn FileVault off for best system performance, giving you the ability to backup your password protected images to CD-R or DVD-R, or other removable media.

Lets get to it. Although you can make the image any size, for this example we will make a file that is 660MB, so it can be backed up to a CD.

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