Ubuntu Network Tools
Monday, July 6, 2009 at 6:15PM
Jose Perez in Linux, llinuxtips, network tools, sniffing, ubuntu
For you Network & Security types out there, thinking of trying out linux for your auditing and troubleshooting needs...Here are some of my favorite Sniffer, Wireless, and Port Scanning tools for use in Ubuntu Linux. Most of them are command line tools, so you need to launch them via Terminal. Need more info? Google is your friend:
- WireShark
- Ettercap
- Snort
- Tshark
- tcpick
- nwatch
- imsniff
- dsniff
- Kismet
- aircrack-ng
- SWScanner
- Prismstumbler
- ScanSSH
- p0f
- Packit
- DoScan
- PnScan
Article originally appeared on Jose Perez- 3D Artist and Tech Geek (http://www.fxstation.net/).
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